…and we fly…

Locked up in this 4 walls with one small window on one of them…
Still we see the little birds flying…
Still we think we touch the sky…

Even the little birds can fly…
And us…
Afraid, frozen, and chained…
The sky…
We can’t even move on the ground, we treble while walking…
The thought…
In a cave… Underworld…
Somewhere deep, moist, and dump…

But still… we can say…
…and we fly…

We can build our dreams…
And create our wings…
We can rise… We can go further…
Conquer the lands that seem so far away…

No more tremble…
No more unmovable on the ground…
We can rise… We can go further…
Conquer the lands that seem so far away…

And what about the burn of the sun…
We conquer the sun long ago…
When the earth was young and there was no sun…
We created him out of our dreams…
So bright were our dreams that come true as the sun…
And our dreams will never burn us away…

What about your fantasies

Come honey let’s see our fantasies…
See what they were made of…
Are they sweet and beautiful?
Or full of bitterness and ugliness?

Can you see the pretty princess upon her white royal horse?
She is so beautiful; she can have everything she wants
Does she even think about the evil witch that looks so friendly and familiar?
Does she even think about the dreadful black dragon who lives deep in the darkest cave?

Can you see the handsome prince with his shining sword in his hand?
He looks so fearless and so unbreakable in front of the danger
Does he even think about his father and the legacy he bears?
Does he even feel the rejection of his father?

Do you see the soldiers raising the spears and swords with pride?
They were successful
Do you see their joyful faces and their bright eyes?
Do they even think about death, failure or the triumph of evil?
Do they even think about their families or the loved one that left behind

Do you see the fancy fairies that they joyfully cheer?
Watch them as they dance in ecstatic rhythm of music
Do they even fear of the satyrs and their devious plans?
Do they even fear of loosing their stardust from their wings or even worse their own wings?

Do you think they stay in the four walls, like we do?
Do you think they search dark places to hide, like we do?

Come honey, we have lots of things to fantasize